Saturday, 16 October 2010

Ordination Vows

So it has been quite a while since my last post. Lots has happened since then. I have moved house and started ministry in another church, which is a brilliant place to be!
I have the blog bug again ... I don't know how long it will last!

I've spent some time reflecting on the vows I took for Ordination.
I was reading the journal I had written at the time. I remember the "they are worthy" response and thinking ... wow ..... do they know me? They believed and trusted that I was worthy, I hope that is still the case!
I am thankful for the trust placed in me
I am thankful that I can preach by word and deed the Gospel of God's grace and desire to do it better!
I am thankful for all the other things I am called to.
I am challenged to give counsel and encouragement to those entrusted to my care.
As I read the vows again I am deeply challenged to pray without ceasing...

I have a week off coming up. Well, a week when I need to get some words on paper for my dissertation, a week when I need to relax, a week when I need to reflect on all that's going on, a week when I need to be still, to listen, to discern ....might be a "full" week off,,,, and I will spend some more time reflecting on those ordination vows ....