I said I would blog about the event that took place on Saturday morning and so here it is ....
For me this was a culmination of all the work I had been doing since September. By and large it was the same parents and children who came on Saturday with a few more from the church. There was about 22 children and 20 adults (including the organisers)
What a morning we had! Easter egg decorating, card making, crafts including making Easter chicks and eggs, colouring in, Easter egg hunt, refreshments etc and everyone took part - the adults enjoyed it as much as the children. It was a bit like Messy church and it worked!
During Holy Week a 24/7 prayer room had been set up and it was open on Saturday morning adults and children alike were moved having been in it! While standing outside I overheard a child say - come and see how Jesus died - I was moved as she dragged a grown up into the prayer room!
I'm glad this "experiment" "project" call it what you will has finished on such a high note! I should also add that at our Good Friday service which was a Tenebrae service I was amazed that some of the folk from Saturday morning (who don't come to Sunday worship) came to it! So there have been positives all round. On the down side I won't be around to follow this work up and build on it. I've enjoyed the experience, learnt from it and can use all of this in my new place of work ....... maybe the blog will continue after all??.....