During the past few weeks I have reflected on what the hopes were of the women who began to come on Saturday mornings way back in September.
They hoped to learn new things!
Well, we've learnt few new things .... how to bake scones, how to make muffins, how to make chocolates .... and eat them all!! That's what we've done over the past few weeks. I've been able to use the gifts and talents of other members of the congregation to do this which has been really good.
Last Saturday was the last! The children's club finished then so that's when we finished too. We met and chatted over coffee and hot cross buns, discussing aspects of Easter among other things.
Does it end here? Frankly I've no idea. All I know is my part in this experiment ends. I move on in a few months. So what remains? Thursday mornings continue with nearly the same people but with a couple more from the church who like cross stitching - this has been good to encourage fellowship, share life's joys and struggles as we talk and stitch around the table.
What's new? This Saturday, between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, something akin to Messy Church will happen (I'll Blog later about that). I've had nothing to do with this other than plant seeds, encouraged people to use their imaginations and given them the freedom to experiment.
Saturday is a family day with Easter egg hunts, decorating Easter Eggs, crafts, food & drink, all based around the Easter message. A prayer room has been set up for Holy Week and it is hoped to use that during Saturday morning as people move about! This has been good because I have had a back seat in the planning! I'm just encouraged that people have seen what I have been trying to do on Saturday mornings and hopefully are prepared to experiment even more!
The end. (for now) ...