"A truly missional church will be both incarnational and attractional," so says Stuart Murray in his book Planting Churches page 13 ..... and I say Amen!
I understand that few if any will be attracted to church events unless they are regular church goers but a missional church will "want to attract people to Jesus" (Murray) so its priority is "to equip its members to incarnate the gospel in all areas of society." (still Murray)
On the one hand I'm encouraging those that I work among (ie my congregation) to be Jesus in all aspects of their lives wherever they go.... incarnational. Their eyes have been opened to a fresh understanding of an aspect of evangelism through Bill Hybel's "Just walk across the room".
On the other hand I hope I'm attracting people to Jesus through the attempts of what Saturday and now Thursday mornings offer!
The Saturday mornings will cease before Easter but the Thursday mornings will continue for as long as those coming want!!
Requests for prayer have been made to me from those who come on Saturday mornings so the door is opening for those spiritual conversations or else they wouldn't ask for prayer! Going back to the Bill Hybels dvd that I've been doing at the Bible study .... he said to a colleague ... I'm not going to heaven without you ...... that is my heart for those I've got to know over the past few months!
I can only imagine .......