The group I meet with has reproduced itself!
Let me explain....
Last week we began to do some cross stitch on Saturday mornings, replacing the card making we had been doing. Now, I can just about sew a button on and as for hems .... the sticky stuff does a good job, so to find myself having fun while doing cross stitch just didn't seem possible but I did! I really took to it and have so got a new hobby for the spare time I don't have.
Yesterday we began by having a conversation about the funeral practices of different communities which was weird but was a way into faith conversation which was interesting.
Anyhow, the good news, in fact the amazing news is ....... the group is going to meet twice a week!
The cross stitching has proved so popular that the person who came to show us how to do it suggested yesterday that we should form a small group doing cross stitching and ask a few others to come. For me this was great news and an answer to prayer! This lady has opened up her home on Thursday mornings to host a cross stitching group and I hear already that two more people want to join in ...... so the group has reproduced! I think this is just amazing and not something I saw coming ..... but it came about because the person felt a prompting from God to offer to host this as she wanted a way in which to serve God.
It's exciting ..... and I can only imagine the possibilities .....